once you gift it to the one u love...
izit easy to say,"i don't want it anymore"??
emm...this depend to how much u love the person....
or maybe less than that??
is that easy to fall in love with someone??
Love a person is that hard??
why in a relationship will appear so many problem??
can a sorry jao nothing happen???
the answer is cannot,becouse after say sorry....
but didn solve the problem,the problem is stil there...
it will make another problem appear again...
once you take a decision together with the person u love then u have responsibility
to take good care and protect him/her....
if you realy serious in the relationship,
please dont easy to gift up...
dont try to betry ur partner...
dont try to hurt him/her...
dont easy to say break up...
once u hurt a person...that a scar in the heart forever...
the person will always remember how u hurt him/her or
how bad u treat him/her before...
so dont try to easy say "i dont want ur heart anymore"...
appreciate the 'heart' that people gift to you...
(this copy from my old blog)
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